AquaArena - utsatt til 2026

Sted: Ålesund

We inform you that AquaArena 24 is postponed, and we plan next Expo in 2026.

AquaArena is a exhibition for the aquaculture industry. The expo will be an international arena that aims to bring together players within the industry and will be held for the first time, 3rd and 4th of September 2024.

ArenaNorway AS is behind the expo, and with them on the team they have gained several partners who strongly believe in the importance of this.

ArenaNorway arrangerte tidligere i år fiskerimessen BlueFish Expo for fjerde gang i Sparebanken Møre Arena. 

I 2024 skal samme arrangør i gang med en ny messe for havbruksnæringen, der det vil være fokus på teknologi og innovasjoner og for utstillere som leverer varer og tjenester til næringen.

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